The last few years have seen a lot of changes in my life, to put things lightly, but one of those has been the return to game design. To that, I owe Max FitzGerald and his fantastic game Turnip 28 a lot, as it opened my eyes to the indie wargaming scene. Since then I’ve been quite active on Instagram and, with the rise of modern 3d printing, even dusted off my old 3d modelling skills to develop a range of miniatures.
So, to summarise the state of things for myself and Shrike Studio right now, we’re taking a chill and consistent approach to indie game development (no more big stressful kickstarters) and currently have the following projects underway:
Blight Seas Fleet
- Dark fantasy skirmish wargame and the game that got my back into game development
- Currently the ruleset is feature complete, but needs more refining and testing (something you can help out with as the pdf is freely available)
- Expect a full version 1 release later this year
Zone 28
- Stalker inspired rules-light survival RPG
- Again, the rules are virtually complete at this point (and freely available to test)
- Expect a full version 1 release with a POD 7″x10″ hardback soon
- Cyberpunk skirmish game with narrative elements and the ability to play solo or co-operatively
- This one is a bit of an experimental passion project for me at this point, a lot of the core rules design is done but there’s a long way to go
- It’ll be done when it’s done
Plague Legion Remnants by @princess_kushana
- Fan supplement for a popular stinky army from a popular sci-fi wargame
- Not my project, but I’m helping out with some model designs (you’ll be able to find free stls for this project on my MMF page)
- Development of the rules supplement has been pushed back a bit due to updates to the core game, but my models will trickle out as and when they’re ready
…and various other small projects that might blossom into something worth talking about in the near future.